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Anti Wrinkle Treatment


As we age, we form fine lines and wrinkles on our face, neck and body. These fine lines, wrinkles and folds are caused by many factors. These include genetics, gender, skin type, UVR sun exposure, lifestyle, smoking, excess alcohol, poor diet, the environment, pollution, free radicals, poor skin care, the ageing process and many more.

One of the ways we can reduce these from appearing, or soften them if they have already formed, is by blocking the muscle movement temporarily with a prescription-only Toxin via injection.

A full medical consultation and assessment is required prior to any treatment to ensure medical, psychological and physical suitability with a clinical indication to treat.

This treatment is not suitable for everyone and there are many other ways to address these concerns of fine lines and wrinkles. For example, medical grade skin care, skin treatments, skin boosters and soft tissue fillers. Sometimes a combination of treatments is recommended also.

Does it hurt?

Minimal and temporary discomfort from the needle yes.


How long does it last?

3-6 months generally, every patient is different, discussed at consultation.


Does it work straight away?

No, takes a full 2-4 weeks for the full affect, peak affect at 6 weeks then gradually muscle movement returns.


How does “Wrinkle Treatment” work?

The Botulinum Toxin A (Botox) blocks the muscle movement and in turn reduces the fines lines and wrinkles with regular treatments.


Will one treatment erase my fine lines and wrinkles?

Very rarely dependant on age, depth and cause. Remember it has taken many years for them to form and will take more than one and regular treatments to maintain the desired results.


Can I get the frozen look?

We cannot ever guarantee this.


Can I look natural with Wrinkle Treatment? 

Yes, you can with many wrinkle treatments but you should always be informed by your injector which brand of product they are using and why.


Do I get a review and after care?

Yes and this included in the price if required between 2-4 weeks only as agreed at consultation.


What if I require more product injected at review?

This will be give at no charge and included if required.


What happens if I experience a lid or brow ptosis? 

We can review and treat as required. You do not always have to wait for this to wear off. There are options of eye drops, muscle stimulation, additional botox or watch and wait depending on original treatment. Again assessed and discussed for you individually.


Anti Wrinkle Treatment


Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you

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